Prodoxoides asymmetra
Olle PellmyrAdult Characteristics
Adult depicted in Nielsen & Davis 1985. Wing expanse 9-13 mm. Sexes similar, with forewings in different shades of pale to medium brown, with golden lustre. The single species of the genus is characterized by an asymmetric juxta in the male, a strongly developed pecten at the antennal base, and a V-shaped tentorium. All features are depicted in Nielsen and Davis 1985.
Comparison with Similar Species
This rather unobtrusive species is the only known prodoxoid in the southern hemisphere. Females can be distinguished from the family synapomorphies, in particular the paired stellate signa, and the male is distinguished from all other prodoxids by an symmetric juxta.
Host, Oviposition, and Larval Feeding Habits
All known specimens were swept during the day or early evening around the myrtaceous shrubs Amomyrtus luma and Myrceugenella apicaulata, and the former was suspected to be the host. Nielsen and Davis suggested that the larva may bore inside buds or twigs of its host.
Geographic Distribution
P. asymmetra is known from bordering regions of Chile (Prov. Osorno) and Argentina (Prov. Rio Negro).
In temperate Valdivian rainforest and humid Nothofagus-Chusqua forest at 350-77 m elevation.
Nielsen, E.S. & D.R. Davis. 1985. The first southern hemisphere prodoxid and the phylogeny of the Incurvarioidea (Lepidoptera). Syst. Entom. 10:307-322.
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University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA
Page copyright © 1996
Page: Tree of Life
Prodoxoides asymmetra
Authored by
. Olle Pellmyr.
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Pellmyr, Olle. 1996. Prodoxoides asymmetra in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 01 January 1996 (under construction).