Effects on the host have been studied by Russian workers on Amphilina foliacea infecting sturgeon. Worms in the body cavity penetrate the liver, gonads and muscles, leading to hyperaemia and haemorrhages followed by extensive inflammation. Capsules are formed around the parasites, which, however, continue to grow, and which can leave the capsule. Haemoglobin levels, the number of red blood cells, fat content etc. are also affected (Andreev and Markov, 1971; Popova and Davydov, 1988).
Amphilinidea Effects on the Host
Klaus RohdeReferences
Andreev, V. V. and Markov, G. S. (1971). [Influence of some helminths on sturgeons]. Zoologicheskij Zhurnal 50, 15-24 (In Russian).
Popova, L. B. and Davydov, V. G. (1988). Studies on localization of Amphilina foliacea (Amphilinidae Dubinina, 1974) in definitive hosts. Helminthologia 25, 129-138.
Rohde, K. (1994). The minor groups of parasitic Platyhelminthes. Advances in Parasitology 33, 145- 234.
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Klaus Rohde
University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
Page copyright © 1998 Klaus Rohde
Page: Tree of Life
Amphilinidea Effects on the Host
Authored by
Klaus Rohde.
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