- North Atlantic: Ca. 53°N. M. agassizii temperate/boreal form Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Figure. Funnel locking-apparatus of M. agassizii, 62 mm ML, immature male, 52°45'N, 35°57'W. Left two - Frontal views of right and left funnel components. Middle right - Frontal view of right mantle component. Far right - Side view of right mantle component. Photographs by R. Young.
- North Atlantic: 37°N. M. agassizii temperate/boreal form?
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Figure. Funnel locking-apparatus of M. agassizii, 72 mm ML, immature female, 37°15'N, 73°54'W. Left - Frontal view of funnel component. Middle - Frontal view of mantle component. Right - Side view of mantle component. Photographs by R. Young.
- North Atlantic: 27°N (Gulf of Mexico). M. agassizii tropical form
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Figure. Funnel locking-apparatus of M. agassizii 90 mm ML, immature female, 27°11'N, 85°36'W. Left - Frontal view of funnel component. Middle - Frontal view of mantle component. Right - Side view of mantle component. Photographs by R. Young.
- South Atlantic: 13°S. M. agassizii tropical form
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Figure. Funnel locking-apparatus of M. agassizii 70 mm ML, immature male, 13°10'S, 09°00'W. Left - Frontal view of mantle component. Middle - Frontal view of mantle component. Right - Side view of mantle component. Photographs by R. Young.
- South Atlantic: Ca. 40°S. M. psychrophila
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Figure. Funnel-mantle locking apparatus of M. psychrophila (?). Far left - Frontal view of funnel component, 90 mm ML, 40°18'S, 35°07'W, showing exceptionally well developed antitragus. Middle left - Frontal view of mantle component, same squid. Middle right - Frontal view of funnel component, ? mm ML, 39°19'S, 03°15'W. Far right - Slightly oblique frontal view of funnel component, 64 mm ML (star), same location. Photographs by R. Young.
- South Pacific: 47°-56°S. M. psychrophila
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Figure. Funnel locking apparatus of M. psychrophila. Left - Frontal view of funnel component, NMNH 817317, 105 mm ML, 57°56'S, 77°04'W. Left middle - Longitudinal section through the same funnel component with each half folded back to see shape. Both left photographs have been stained with methylene blue stain. Photographs by R. Young. Middle right - Frontal view of mantle component, same specimen. Right - Frontal view of mantle component, holotype, 84 mm ML, immature male, 56°26'S, 158°31'E. Holotype photograph by M. Vecchione.
- Equatorial Pacific: 6°N. M. dentata
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Figure. Funnel locking-apparatus of M. dentata, 135 mm ML, mature male, 5°53'N, 150°01'W. Left - Frontal view of the funnel component. Middle - Frontal view of the mantle component. Right - Side view of the mantle component. Components stained with methylene blue. Photographs by R. Young.
- North Pacific: 43°N. M. dentata
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Figure. Funnel locking-apparatus of M. dentata, 69 mm ML, immaturre male, 43°12'N, 179°30'W. Left - Frontal view of the funnel component. Middle - Frontal view of the mantle component. Right - Side view of the mantle component. Components stained with methylene blue. Photographs by R. Young.
Mastigoteuthis agassizii Group: Comparison of funnel locking-apparatuses
Richard E. Young and Michael VecchioneAbout This Page
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Richard E. Young at and Michael Vecchione at
Page copyright © 2007 and
Page: Tree of Life
Mastigoteuthis agassizii Group: Comparison of funnel locking-apparatuses
Authored by
Richard E. Young and Michael Vecchione.
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